Okay, well, not quite.
It is finished on the outside (except for adding hardware cloth to the perimeter - buried under some rocks to keep critters from digging underneath).
But we still need to winterize, add a perch and trim the interior of the windows.

Here you can see a couple of features:
-back window to let the light through, but keep the appearance of a shed from the back view
-gate hardware to close the screen door
-hand sanitizer, just in case children who are visiting handle the chickens (I use it if I have been cleaning out the coop too)

DH put an eavestrough at the back. We still need to add a rain barrel at the side.
I have learned that white is not an appropriate colour for a chicken ramp - I will likely replace this with a different design too so the chicken poo can fall through.
The whole thing is pretty cute - it was of the upmost importance that it not be ugly to our neighbours. So far they seem to approve.
That is sooooo cool!!