Friday, November 5, 2010

Economic Development, Big City Style?

Not sure what to think. My first instinct was it was catchy, but didn't really make me feel like it captured the essence of Meaford.

What do you think? Would you want to live here?

I can see this is promoting Meaford more to the leisure class. Which is interesting as that is the demographic we are already attracting.

I believe this video was recently concocted by our "big city" CAO which is lately pulling out all the stops to attract business investment in my little Meaford.

The only other thing I can state now is: whatever.


  1. And here is the second promo...Jason "stars" as well :)JaneB

  2. Thanks so much for sharing this Jane - I knew these videos were being made but was left out of the loop (not consulted, never saw them earlier etc). Interesting that the Economic Development Intern would be. :) Probably a good thing I no longer work there.

  3. My suggestion is that they might do better by promoting Meaford to young people who already live here by promoting activities like this:

  4. These promos don’t really impress. They do not capture the real heartbeat of Meaford. They may be good “ads” for a few businesses but they lack the people element.
    Here is one for Thornbury—more of the same…

    If you look carefully at these promos …the streets, harbour, orchards, golfing etc…. are empty!— devoid of people( other than the planted actors)—
    It reminds me of the ads for all glossy real estate developments—a big-city dwellers “concept” …isolated cul-de-sacs with no real people- no families-no sidewalks-no life….no heartbeat. Perhaps if our CAO and these promo businesses actually lived in Meaford they might understand and find the true heart of this Community. Meaford is so much more than a sell for a 48 hour or holiday "break" from the big-city.
    PS- You and your hubby might enjoy reading David Brooks two books- “On Paradise Drive” and “Bobos in Paradise” – you can get them thru the inter-library loan at the Library.JaneB

  5. Exactly - it doesn't come off as a vibrant community at all.

    Checked out "On Paradise Drive" preview through Google Books - interesting. I can get it at the UoG library too.

    Interestingly, I was given another statistic during one of my classes. Newly retired live on average 5 years in their retirement properties before moving on to: Florida, back to the city, seniors housing, or where ever.

    Not a great plan to work to attract only one demographic to a community. Better to work for a variety of people - and to target ones that are clearly missing.

  6. The David Brooks books are a good giggle....
    interesting article on Senior housing in Globe & Mail today Nov 12th... the Boomers don't want condos or high rise... when they downsize they still want their own home...just monster houses... and their own backyard...only 10% want second vacation home...65% are still carrying a mortgage!... this article quotes from a TD survey report...
    I agree--We have several parts of our Community that are not represented I'm afraid... we seem to ignore young families trying to get on with life and singles just for starters...
