Monday, October 25, 2010

Winterizing the Chicken Coop

We are almost finished getting our coop ready for winter.  We now have about an R-11. Not perfect, but better than the R-1.75 our plywood was previously! We added blue panel insulation and another inner wall-board.  I still need to paint - but it may have to wait until after the winter if the weather doesn't hold out. Soon it will likely be too cold to paint. Plus I want it to be dry so it will be good for our ladies to sleep in that night. 

Here is the inside - we now have two roosts.
 One at 18' and one at 28". 

The thermometer is obviously so we can keep an eye on the inside temperature.
  Here is a view from the opposite side - facing south.
 Looks like someone is in need of privacy! Soon after she laid a lovely perfect egg.

Yay! The "finished product" as it now stands. We realised their run was far too small and they needed more room. We have had to contain them in their coop and run more often for their own safety as our little yard fence in some spots is only 3'  and one day another dog got in our yard! Thankfully, our dog came charging out (likely to play) and scared the other dog away. Phew!  So, we added a dog run to the side which is 6' high and 7x13' which gives them a total of 129 sq ft in their run to play and scratch.  We will add some aviary netting on top of the run to help keep predators out.  We try to be diligent about putting the ladies away promptly at night as their new run extension is NOT predator proof.

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